The BRAT Photo Gallery

While walking the floor with Nora at the 2012 Comic-Con, I had to pause when I got to the Mattel booth. I then had to throw money at them. Lots of money. Scooby Doo toys, K.I.T.T. from Knight Rider, Ghostbusters stuff...heaven. But, on display (and not for sale)...HOVER BOARD! After wiping the drool from my chin, and asking when it would be available, I was told it would be available before Christmas from Matty Collector dot com.

Cue the anticipation music...

The day the web site link went live, I threw my $130 (plus shipping) at them. Now...a thing to know about me. I hate getting things through the mail. The USPS has proved itself again and again to be horrible at getting me any of my mail without inflicting some sort of damage to said item. Hell, a lot of my mail never even gets to me. So, with that in mind, I was not happy that I could not just walk into a store and get the hover board. With a bit of fear, I entered my payment info into the web site, and waited...

With NO fanfare, a shockingly (or not so shockingly, if you know the quality of the USPS) inaccurate tracking website (Ontario California to NEVADA to Burbank California!?!?!?), an incorrect arrival date, and with not even so much as a knock from the mailman ("Knock knock. Hi. I'm leaving this expensive item at your doorstep. Hope your neighbors don't have sticky fingers. Byeeee."), my hover board landed "near" my porch. As you will see from the pictures, I do mean "landed".

A larger-than-humanly-possible FUCK YOU to everyone involved with packing and delivering this board. No padding, no love, and damage. Thanks for ruining my Christmas. :P

Oh my? What is this item that has been left at my doorstep, with no courtesy knock from my mailman?

Oh my. It seems a bit beat up. Well, I\'m sure that the company that shipped the item packed it with enough padding that the contents were not damaged.

Still a bit worried about the condition of the box, but - hey - this is a large corporation. I am sure they train their employees to pack expensive items well...


DAMMIT! So much for packing my hover board with care. Let\'s hope this is the only damage...

Well duh. :)

YES! HOVER BOARD! But...uhhh...





I am afraid to meet the person who threw down $130, and actually expected this prop to hover.

Thanks a pant load Mattel! Why the hell was the flap glued? There\'s no way to open the box without damaging it. You are selling a prop hover board to COLLECTORS! You should know better! A flap, a tab, SOMETHING! You think we are spending $130, and then NOT wanting to actually hold the damn board!?!?

Well, at least the board is ok. A bit cheap looking, but then again, it is a pretty accurate prop.

I hope these stickers stay on. For $130, they BETTER!

My precious. Now all I need is a DeLorean. ;)

I Take Pictures...

TV Guides
Daft Punk Is Playing At My House
Burbank Car Show - July 27th, 2013
Hoverboard! - December 20th, 2012
Kraftwerk At Coachella - 2004