The BRAT Photo Gallery

My friend Gary Strobl came into possession of a few decades worth of TV Guides. As a fellow archivist, he knew I would want to go through and pull some issues that feature clients and friends of mine.

While I pulled issues that I wanted, I took a lot of quickie pictures of pages that were cool. I didn't do any proper scanning. I just snapped a quick iPhone picture of a page.

I had been posting the pics in my @bratmix Instagram Stories, but a few people complained that they didn't get to see everything I posted.

For those people, and anyone else who wants to take a nostalgic trip, here are over 250 pictures from TV guides from the 60s to the 90s.

I Take Pictures...

TV Guides
Daft Punk Is Playing At My House
Burbank Car Show - July 27th, 2013
Hoverboard! - December 20th, 2012
Kraftwerk At Coachella - 2004