posted: June 9th, 2009
Nora, upon seeing the artwork for Depeche Mode's Sounds Of The Universe, said it looked like a fondue set.
I guess that's all I needed to get me going...
A cheap fondue set, Testers model paint, some black spray paint, and a grey posterboard.
I have officially lost it.
In celebration of frying my last few overworked brain cells, my new theme song...
Napoleon XIV
"They're Coming To Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa!" (play mp3)
And if you're truly adventurous, below is the original b-side of the 7 inch release. It is literally the entire song, backwards. Note the Italian sounding vocals at the end...errr...beginning...uhh...
Napoleon XIV
"!aaaH-aH ,yawA eM ekaT oT gnimoC er'yehT" (play mp3)
Now if you will excuse me, I am off to moderate YouTube trolls and MySpace spam.
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